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About Honolulu Toastmasters

Toastmasters International


The mission of Toastmasters International is to help people become more confident communicators and leaders. Through supportive club meetings, members practice public speaking, listen actively, and take on leadership roles in a friendly, encouraging environment.

Education Program

Toastmasters’ education program, Pathways, offers personalized learning across 6 paths focused on communication and leadership. The program emphasizes real-world application, covering public speaking, project management, and team collaboration. 

Available Paths: Dynamic Leadership, Engaging Humor, Motivational Strategies, Persuasive Influence, Presentation Mastery, and Visionary Communication.

In each Path, members progress through five levels of increasing complexity, starting with foundational skills and advancing to more challenging projects like managing teams and leading initiatives.

Each member gets online access to his or her selected Path upon joining club and can progress through the speaking projects in own pace. 


Dr. Ralph Smedley, Toastmasters

Toastmasters International was founded in 1924 by Dr. Ralph C. Smedley in Santa Ana, California. The first official club met at the YMCA, offering members the chance to practice speaking and gain confidence. Over the decades, Toastmasters expanded globally, adapting to diverse cultures. Today, Toastmasters International has over 14,000 clubs in 150 countries.

Toastmasters club meeting in Honolulu
Toastmasters welcome people from all walks of life.

Toastmasters Structure

Toastmasters International is structured into Regions, Districts, Divisions, and Areas to effectively support clubs and members.

Regions and Districts

There are 14 Regions worldwide, each led by an International Director who serves on the Toastmasters Board, providing strategic guidance and representing member interests globally. Hawaii belongs to Region 2.

A Region includes multiple Districts that oversee clubs in specific geographic areas. There are 126 Districts in total. Each District is managed by a leadership team: the District Director, Program Quality Director, and Club Growth Director. Districts organize events such as speech contests, training sessions, and conferences. Clubs in Hawaii are part of District 49.

Divisions and Areas

A Division is a larger unit within a District, managing multiple Areas. Each Division is led by a Division Director. In District 49, there are four DivisionsA, B, C, and D.

An Area is a smaller unit within a Division, typically consisting of 4–6 clubs. Each Area is led by an Area Director who visits clubs, provides guidance, and ensures they receive the support they need.

Our Honolulu Toastmasters club is part of Area 13, Division D.


Toastmasters District 49 Conference
Each year, Toastmasters in all districts gather for an annual conference.
Ed Tate, World Champion of Public Speaking
Ed Tate, 2020 World Champion of Public Speaking delivers a key note address at the District 49 Conference.

Honolulu Toastmasters Club

Community Club

Honolulu Toastmasters is an open club welcoming anyone on the island of Oahu interested in developing their public speaking and leadership abilities.

Due to our name and prime location, we are a popular stop for Toastmasters members worldwide who visit Honolulu during their travels.

Longtime Tradition

Honolulu Toastmasters continues the mission of the original Laulima Toastmasters chartered in 1983.

In January 2025, Laulima Toastmasters renamed to Honolulu Toastmasters and re-started bi-weekly in-person meetings at Waterfront Plaza.

2024-2025 Club Officers

• Club President, Sergeant at Arms - Dr. Jennifer Borja-Johnson

• Vice President Public Relations, Vice President Membership - Robert Cravalho, DTM, AS

• Vice President Education, Treasurer, Secretary - Slava Slavik, DTM

Become a Member >

Check info about the Toastmasters membership benefits and how to join our club.

“If you can dream it, you can do it.”
Walt Disney
Meetings 1st and 3rd Wednesday
at 6:50 p.m.
Copyright © 1983 - 2025, Honolulu Toastmasters.   All Rights Reserved.
Copyright © 1983 - 2025, Honolulu Toastmasters.
All Rights Reserved.
Toastmasters International Club #5190
Information, photos, and all other materials posted are for the sole use of Toastmasters’ members, for Toastmasters business only. 
It is not to be used for solicitation or distribution of non-Toastmasters material or information.